


19 November 2010


Once, there was a young man who applied for a managerial position in a multi-national company. He passed the first interview. The director did the final interview in order to make the last decision. The director discovered from the resume (CV), that the young man's academic results were excellent all the way, from the secondary school until completion of university.
The director asked, "Did you obtained any scholarship in school?"
The young man answered, "None".
The director asked again, " Did your father paid for your school fees?"
The young man answered, "My father passed away when I was a child. It was my mother who paid for all my school expenses".
The director asked, "Where did your mother worked?"
The young man answered, "My mother worked as a cloth cleaner".
The director requested him to show his hands. The young man showed a pair of smooth and perfect hands to the director.
The director asked, "Did you ever helped your mother washed the cloth before?"
The young man answered, "Never. My mother always wanted me to study and read more books, furthermore, my mother washes cloths better than me".
The director said, "I had a request, when you go back today, go and help clean your mother's hand and then see me tomorrow morning".
The young man felt that the chance of being hired for the job is high. Back home, the young man happily wanted to clean his mother's hand. Feeling stranged, his mother showed her hands to her son. While the young man was slowly cleaning his mother's hand, his tears dropped. This was the first time he saw his mother's hand wrinkled with bruises. Some bruises were painful that shivers her mother's body when cleaned with water. The young man realized that it was this pair of hand that washed the cloth everyday to pay for all the school expenses for all her children. The bruises paid for his graduation and academic excellence and probably his future. After finishing the cleaning, the young man quietly washed all remaining clothes that were left by his mother. That night, they had a long talk.
The next morning, the young man went to the director's office and the director noticed tears in the young man's eyes and asked, "Can you tell me what happened yesterday in your house?"
The young man answered, "I cleaned my mother's hands and also finished cleaning all the remaining clothes.
The director asked, "Can you tell what have you learned".
The young man said, "Firstly, I knew what is appreciation. Without my mother, I would not be successful today. Secondly, when I help my mother, I realized how difficult and tough to get something done. Finally, I realised the importance and value of family relationship".
The director said, "I want to recruit a manager that can appreciate the help of others that knew the sufferings of others and a person that would not put money as his only goal in life. Young man, you are hired!".
A child who has been protected and habitually given all that he wanted in life by his parent, he (the child) developed 'ungrateful mentality' and selfishness. All the while, this child was ignorant of his parent's efforts. He can have good exam results and be successful in life for a while, but eventually, he would not feel the sense of achievement. If we are this kind of parent, did we love the kid or destroy him? You can let your kid lived in a big house, eat good meals, watched big TV screen, but when you are cutting grass, please let them experienced it. After meals, let them washed their plates and bowls. It is not because we do not have money to hire maids but it is because we want to love them in a right way. Make them understand that no matter how rich their parents are, one day their hairs will turned gray and eventually will leave this world forever for good.
This story continues....
A few years later, the mother passed away. This young man, while reading the medical report, saw a doctor's comment that his mother's womb dropped. For the first time, his mother's medical secret was revealed. Later on, the young man found out that the main cause was, the mother did not adhere to the grace period of few months rest after each birth of her child. Being single mother, she cant afford to rest for she has to carry on with her daily job to earn a living in order to raise up her children. The mother's womb dropped because of excessive work. Her mother worked very hard to feed her children. The young man was unable to hold on to his tears streaming down.
ps. This article is in appreciation to my late mother who worked very hard to raise up her children. I love you mom. - jja

17 November 2010


Daripada Abi Qotadah, bahawa Rasulullah telah bersabda:
Puasa pada hari Arafah, aku berharap kepada Allah agar dihapuskan dosa bagi setahun yang sebelumnya dan setahun selepasnya.
[Riwayat Imam Muslim]

12 November 2010


Good for thought and debate
1. Extremism of Islam:
The root of the problem due to undivided support by the West government towards establishment of Zionist regime in Israel that followed by depriving of Palestine Muslim rights in their own country.
2. Women subjugation:
There is no subjugation of women in Islam. As a matter of fact the history has proven that Islam uplifted the woman status during the medieval age by high respectable position in society compared to era of Roman, Byzantine and Persian Empires.
3. Killings:
How many Muslims being killed in their own country by crusaders and uninvited guests compared to people that killed by so called extremists out side of the Muslim world as a result of bad treatment and frustration?
Its great challenge now for all muslims around the globe. Let us be prepared to answer misconceptions on Islam. We can help disseminate Islamic dakwah vigorously among non-Muslims at any opportunity arisen.

10 November 2010


In The Name Of God, the Most Gracious the Most Merciful.
Many of the paradigms previously employed to sustain negative judgments about Muhammad's person and mission have since given way to an objective acknowledgment of his position as a role model whose life holds special schematic value.
Muhammad as one who went from being an obscure seeker of truth to a proclaimer of the Divine message, the Prophet comes across as a remarkable endurer of unprovoked assaults on person, honor and belief. Moreover, Muhammad's qualities of perseverance, broadmindedness, and aplomb are reflected in his relations with other belief systems, especially Jews and Christians.
The establishment, in Medina under Muhammad, of a prosperous community governed by Divine law after the tribulations and persecutions experienced by the Prophet and his followers provides a teleological explanation of the concept of hijrah in Islam. But the one significant aspect of the Medinan phase of the Prophet's life is the Covenant of Medina, which represents the most viable constitution the world can have in a pluralistic setting. Pluralism differs from particularism. The former promotes a sense of equality rather toleration. The significance of the distinction is brought out in today's world, especially in societies where Muslims are victims of institutional oppression and negative stereotypes.
The true meaning of jihad is struggle against personal or societal injustice. This refutes, the exclusivist-and often mischievous-statement concept in purely aggressive and military terms. On the whole, the image of the Prophet is-rightly-that of the Perfect Man: a persevering caller to truth, a stoic optimist, a pluralistic leader who is humble in victory, courageous in defeat, firm in dispensation of justice, respectful of friend, sympathetic to opponent, and above all a spiritual leader of substance.

01 November 2010


Tajuk ini sangat menarik kerana suatu ketika dulu wanita USIA Tambunan pernah bergolak kerana pada ketika itu ada ahli wanita yang telah mencipta sejarah menjatuhkan mantan ketua wanita secara tidak islamik.
Siapakah dalangnya dan apakah yang terjadi seterusnya.....? Nantikan episod akan datang.


Azab Bagi Wanita
Sayidina Ali r.a menceritakan suatu ketika melihat Rasulullah saw menangis manakala ia datang bersama Fatimah. Lalu keduanya bertanya mengapa Rasulullah saw menangis. Baginda menjawab:

"Pada malam aku diisrakan, aku melihat perempuan-perempuan yang sedang disiksa dengan berbagai siksaan. Itulah sebabnya aku menangis kerana menyaksikan seksaan yang sangat berat dan mengerikan ke atas mereka.

Puteri Rasulullah saw kemudian menanyakan apa yang dilihat ayahandanya.
"Aku lihat ada perempuan digantung rambutnya, otaknya mendidih.

Aku lihat perempuan digantung lidahnya, tangannya diikat ke belakang dan timah cair dituangkan ke dalam tengkoraknya.

Aku lihat perempuan tergantung kedua kakinya dengan terikat tangannya sampai ke ubun-ubunnya, dihulurkan ular dan kalajengking.

Dan aku lihat perempuan yang memakan badannya sendiri, di bawahnya dinyalakan api neraka. Serta aku lihat perempuan yang bermuka hitam, memakan tali perutnya sendiri.

Aku lihat perempuan yang telinganya pekak dan matanya buta, dimasukkan ke dalam peti yang dibuat dari api neraka, otaknya keluar dari lubang hidung, badannya berbau busuk kerana penyakit sopak dan kusta.

Aku lihat perempuan yang badannya seperti himar, beribu-ribu kesengsaraan dihadapinya.
Aku lihat perempuan yang rupanya seperti anjing, sedangkan api masuk melalui mulut dan keluar dari duburnya sementara malikat memukulnya dengan alat dari api neraka", kata Nabi saw.
Fatimah Az-Zahra kemudian bertanya mengapa mereka disiksa seperti itu?
*Rasulullah menjawab, "Wahai putriku, adapun mereka yang tergantung rambutnya hingga otaknya mendidih adalah wanita yang tidak menutup rambutnya sehingga terlihat oleh laki-laki yang bukan muhrimnya.
*Perempuan yang digantung susunya adalah isteri yang 'mengotori' tempat tidurnya.

*Perempuan yang tergantung kedua kakinya ialah perempuan yang tidak taat kepada suaminya, keluar rumah tanpa izin suaminya dan perempuan yang tidak mau mandi suci dari haid dan nifas.

*Perempuan yang memakan badannya sendiri ialah kerana ia berhias untuk lelaki yang bukan muhrimnya dan suka mengumpat orang lain.

*Perempuan yang memotong badannya sendiri dengan gunting api neraka kerana ia bersolek dan berhias supaya kecantikannya dilihat laki-laki yang bukan muhrimnya.

*Perempuan yang diikat kedua kaki dan tangannya ke atas ubun-ubunnya dihulurkan ular dan kalajengking kerana tidak solat dan tidak mau mandi junub.

*Perempuan yang kepalanya seperti babi dan badannya seperti himar ialah tukang umpat dan pendusta.
*Perempuan yang menyerupai anjing ialah perempuan yang suka memfitnah dan membenci suami".
Mendengar itu, Sayidina Ali dan Fatimah Az-Zahra pun turut menangis.