Exorcist List
Islam Universe is NOT affiliated with this list, we don't know anyone of them not even Sh. Ayesh Quran who appears on the exorcism video clips, we just received requests to add them to our list through email, if you find anyone suspicious; please inform us to remove him immediately. If you know a righteous exorcist and would like us to add him to our list please email us at info@islam-universe.comPlease make sure to read the section before contacting an Exorcist
- Jordan
- Ayesh Quran: Cell: 00962795576723, ayeshquran@yahoo.com (Taibeh, Irbed, Jordan)
- Osamah Yasin Al-M'any: Home: 0096265605022, Cell: 00962777970590, info@ruqya.net, www.ruqya.net (Amman, Jordan)
- UK
- Abu Junaid: 07834326225 (Birmingham and surrounding areas, UK)
- Abu Abdullah As-Salafi: 07737557330 (Birmingham, UK)
- Abdul Jabbaar: 07976918576 (Huddersfield and surrounding areas, UK)
- Abu Abdullah: Ruqyashariyah@yahoo.co.uk, http://www.ruqyashariyah.org/forum/
- Zaid : 07985667618 (Leicester, UK)
- Sheikh Abu Hanifah (appears on the Islam Channel Q&A): 0208 471 5766 (London, UK)
- Ibrahim At-turki: 07719380579 (Hertfordshire, North London)
- Abu Ussama Salfi: 07737460548 (Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK)
- Enes Beganović Mećevići BB Zavidovići +387 61 757 819, enes@lijecenje-kuranom.com, www.lijecenje-kuranom.com
- Ust. Shuayb Mahmoud Shuayb: +255 (0) 754 302350, +255 (0) 716 066360 al_ilaajuherbal@yahoo.com, P.O.Box. 424, Bukoba-Tanzania
- Abdul-Hameed Abu Abdul-Wadood: office: (+212) 048 82 26 26 , cell: (+212) 062 12 01 81 , arroqia@hotmail.com, www.roqia.free.fr (Agadir, Morocco)
- Yusuf Shabany: (+212) 069 60 56 43, aroqya@hotmail.com (Ad Dar al Bayda', Morocco)
- Janis bin Abdullah: Mobile Telephone: 013-8693148, Email : jjabcgroup@gmail.com, Sabah Islamic Healing And Therapy (SIHAT), c/o. The State Mosque of Sabah, Bulatan Sembulan, Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, 88100 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, East Malaysia.
- Iqbal Salafi: TEL: 0092 51 5537998 (7AM-3PM PST), Mobile:0092 3335115646, Kashmiri Bazaar near masjid Darus Salaam, Ahl Hadith (Rawalpindi , Pakistan)
- Hafiz Abdul Salam: Mobile:0092 3024011108 (call around Asar time), 99 j block model town (Lahore, Pakistan)
- Arif Salfi:Phone: 03005132613, 03335270480, Aims islamic institute F8 (Islamabad, Pakistan)
- UST. FADLAN, DENGAN TERAPI RUQYAH, BEKAM DAN PENGOBATAN HERBA, Dalem 42/10 Purbayan, Kota Gede, Yogyakarta 55173 Telp. (0274) 7493940
- KANTOR PUSAT MAJALAH AL-IMAN BIL GHOIB, RUQYAH SYAR’IYYAH: Jl. Kelurahan lama No. 05 Rt 001/015 Cililitan Kramat Jati jakarta Timur, Tlp. (021) 8092329, 93449512
- CABANG MEDAN: Jl. Denai No.156 Medan, 061-77379231
- CABANG PADANG: Jl.Delima No. 7 Ujung Gurun Padang, 0751-35559
- CABANG PALEMBANG: Jl.Kapten A. Rivai Irg. Lebak (samping Bank Sumsel) Palembang, 0711-7917347
- CABANG JAMBI: Jl.H.Adam Malik No.1 TR 21, Beringin Thehok,Jambin Selatan, 0741-7076739,7011292
- CABANG BANDUNG: MTC (Metro Trade Center) Blok B No. 28, Jl. Soekarno hata, Bandung, 022-70269655
- CABANG CIREBON: Perumahan Kepompongan Indah, Jl.Pangeran Cakra Buana No. 12 Sumber-Cirebon, 0231-3339243
- CABANG TANGERANG: Beringin raya 139 D Perum I-Karawaci Tangerang, 021-55778040,70964229
- CABANG PONTIANAK: Jl. Uray Bawadi Gang Muhibah No. 5 Pontianak, 0561-7086191
- CABANG SEMARANG: Jl. KH. Tohir Gg. III RT 01 Rw 01 N0. 85B, Penggaron Kidul, Pedurungan, Semarang Timur, 024-70163664
- Waheed Abdul-Salam Balo: 0020105061850 (Egypt)
- Muhammad Al-Imam center (Ma'bar, Yemen)
- Abdul-Qadir Al-Qudsy center (Al-Qadisiyah, San'a', Yemen)
- General Presidency Of the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, www.pv.gov.sa
- Abdullah Al-hadad: 3842452 (Al-Green, Kuwait)
- Faysal Al-'anzy: 9279496 (As-Sableekhat, Kuwait)
- Hady Al-'anzy: 9009019 (Al-Jahra', Kuwait)
- Mohammed Al-Qaysi: 7989066 (Great Mubarak, Kuwait)
- Abu Osamah: 7040056 (Kuwait)
- Salah Abdul-Qader: 050/6111706 (Abu Dhabi, UAE)